Your Guide to Getting Accurate Weight Results at the Higi Station

Do you use Higi to monitor your weight? Just like with blood pressure, you can take a weight test at the Higi Station and track your weight in your Higi Account. Each station is designed and tested for accuracy, but mistakes can affect your results. Take a few steps to prepare for your weight test to help set yourself up for success. 

Here’s how to prepare to take a weight test at the Higi Station:

  • Time your test well: Try to take your weight tests around the same time of day when your stomach and bladder are empty — food and liquids can affect your weight. 

  • Place hands on lap: Remove your arm from the cuff and let your hands rest in your lap during the test. 

  • Remove outerwear: Keep in mind that your clothing, shoes and anything in your hands or pockets will add weight to the scale. 

  • Know what affects your weight: Different things can affect your weight and the weight test results you get. Things like your recent physical activity levels and fluid intake can create changes in your weight. [1] 

    • Note: It’s normal for the average adult’s weight to fluctuate between around 2 to 5 pounds over the course of a few days. [2]

Here’s why you can trust your Higi Station to give you an accurate reading:

Higi Stations are cleared by the FDA. They each go through a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure accuracy. Each station is calibrated to be highly precise, and they undergo regular maintenance. 


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